Category: Thoughts and Reflections

  • Walk through a field barefoot.

    Today, after swimming in the Dart River, I walked barefoot up a sloped field to get to Dartington College of Arts.  (The shell of what is left there)  I found it very interesting that the field was sporadically covered in thorny plants that hurt my feet.  I thought about the cows that normally graze on…

  • Representation of Space in Space

    I’ve been reading Edward Soja’s Thirdspace (1996) and Postmodern Geographies (1989) and Perceptions of the Environment (2000) by Tim Ingold. “Space hides consequence from us now.”  (Berger in Soja 1989 p.22) Space does hide consequence from those who have power..  We throw out rubbish and it goes ‘somewhere.’  We use electricity that comes from ‘somewhere.’ …

  • Show Time Again. The Countdown Begins.

    Show Time Again. The Countdown Begins.

    It is roughly 100 days until the MA show here at the Dartington Campus of the University College Falmouth.  It is a very strange experience—the Dartington Campus will move to the main college at the end of the year.  There is a definitive sense of a winding down of place happening here that is both…

  • Cosgrove on Landscape Painting

    One of the consistent purposes of landscape painting has been to present an image of order and proportioned control… there is an inherent conservatism in the landscape idea, in its celebration of property and of an unchanging status quo, in its suppression of tensions between groups in the landscape. (Cosgrove, 1985, p. 58, original emphasis)…

  • Disembodied and Engaged Aesthetics

    As a painter in a Master’s course for Arts and Ecology, I am to produce a written work that attempts to synthesize my interests.  My hope is to hash out ideas and get my writing chops up right here on this page.  I had recently read Aesthetics & Nature, and wrote briefly about aesthetics. Aesthetics…