Category: Uncategorized

  • Swissvale Mural Wall

    Swissvale Mural Wall Originally uploaded by 730N. Putting a proposal together with eco-artist Ann Rosenthal about this site in Swissvale PA. Fingers Crossed!

  • Deleuzian Difference vs. how I’ve been thinking of “contrast” lately.

    Space as the result of process. I have been thinking about contrast in several different forms since someone asked me if I paint light to dark, or dark to light. The answer is neither. After setting up the painting, I have a process of pulling the lights and pushing the darks. I end up defining…

  • A bit more progress on the FDR painting

    A bit more progress on the FDR painting Originally uploaded by 730N. This one is proving difficult! I am still getting tripped up by the colors and nuances. Completion seems far off. Colors are varying wildly across the painting. As long it doesn’t fracture value wise, I think it could be to a good effect.…

  • Lady Liberty & the moon

    Lady Liberty & the moon Originally uploaded by space.girl. My friend Gina asked me to come help paint sets for the Curio Theater Company in West Philadelphia. The play is called “Green Bird.” From the description: In this fantasy fairy tale the King returns from the war to find that his mother has seized the…

  • Some Kind of Statement

    Some Kind of Statement Originally uploaded by 730N. Clever without being overbearing? There is something I like about this image. A fly pinned to the flag. But why do I like this image? The image of nine mile run did not win any cash prizes in Pittsburgh. The judges are still coming from a modernist…