Category: Design
Website revamping, pardon technical trouble
I’ve recently been updating my website and you can see some paintings that have never been posted here before. I had a very productive studio run in Brooklyn and had to sort out how to manage my archives in a way I never had to before, but I think I’ve come out better for it.…
New fernhill album canu rhydd
fernhill release a new album, canu rhydd. I designed the album artwork for it. You can listen to / buy the album here. It is really lovely celtic folk music that blossoms with repeated listening. Christine Cooper, who plays the fiddle and voice on the album, was a classmate of mine at Dartington College this…
Design contributions to the Ultimate dART MA Show at Dartington College of Arts
This past July, I had the honour of having my designs selected to be the public face of the last MA show at Dartington College of Arts, before its dubious “move” to University College Falmouth. I’ve included some examples here. The MA students held a design competition to select the visual identity for Ultimate dART.…