Month: January 2013

  • Mud painting I got beats

    Mud painting I got beats

    I passed out at about 10 o’clock. The kids did a number on me today. A few too many young ones were around for the mural painting in the afternoon / evening. And they were excited. So while I was managing them, another group of teenagers were painting on the mural. They went over somethings…

  • Workshops and the Biggest Tree

    Workshops and the Biggest Tree

    This morning I set out to work on the mural by myself first thing. The sun hits the wall of the mural in the morning and it is extremely bright. For a few mornings now I walk outside and can’t even look at it. So I head back inside for some sunglasses, wondering how the…

  • I’m Safe

    I’m Safe

    As I sit down to write, yet another mini-squall is hitting the roof of the research center. The roof is thin, and it sounds like there is metal on the top. The rain always sounds gentle hitting the roof, a bit like a soft static in both ears.  Tonight is my first night on my…

  • Paint on the Mural

    Paint on the Mural

    Today was my first working Saturday after getting started with the students. (Last week was the BATCAVES, which I haven’t posted about, but will back date it.) This morning I organized the paints to use for the mural, setting the stage anticipating students. I even discovered a few cans of a couple different colors that…

  • “Boom-bad!”


    Today marked 1 week of visits up to the high school. I wrote in the morning and headed up there about 10am. The plan was to work with some Form 5 students, the oldest group I’ve worked with yet. There were only 3 students at first, all girls. The reason for this: the students had…