Grad School?

I want to go. I am researching schools and programs for the next few months. If you have any suggestions that you think I should know about, please leave me a comment!

Superficially, I am interested in applying to Tyler School of Art, Yale, and Upenn.

I’d like to find a program that is receptive to painting w/ an ecological focus. I am not interested in going somewhere that will say “You need to take painting out of the square man! The wall hegemony is fascism!” Already experienced a pedagogy that advocates tearing down conventions, and I found it to attack the very core question of meaning itself. I would be a post-modern self referencing ironic artist if it didn’t make me so apathetic!

I want to be in an environment that nurtures and challenges my painting without being close-minded to the more radical ideas I learned at 3 Rivers 2nd Nature.

It wouldn’t hurt if they paid me to go too. (Takes Yale out of the running for sure)