Opening at Tugboat Tea Company, Art by Noel Hefele

Join me for the Pictures of You closing party

My show at Tugboat Tea Company in PLG is drawing to a close. It was a great show and I really got to know the neighborhood in yet a new way. Happy to report that I put good number of red dots up on the wall, which of course clears room to create more work.  I look forward to living with the paintings that come back for a while.

Tugboat Tea Company, if you haven’t been already, is the best coffee shop in Prospect Lefferts Gardens. I am very grateful to them for hanging my work for these past two months. And a big thanks to PLG Arts as well.

I will be there from 3-6pm on Sunday September 8th, just hanging out drinking coffee and putting a final note on the show. Come out and chat if you can!

check out the Facebook event
