Month: December 2007
Sugarhouse and the Divide
Sugarhouse and the Divide Originally uploaded by 730N This painting is currently up for the remainder of the week at the Highwire Gallery in Philadelphia. Sugarhouse Casino is a project slated to be built along the Delaware Riv er in Philadelphia, just north of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge. The site was a former Sugar Mill,…
Nine Mile Run Restoration
Nine Mile Run Restoration Originally uploaded by 730N Samantha says my work is all about relationships. I tend to agree. Hawthorne (Hawthorne on Painting) speaks of painting as spots of color. “The beauty of a picture results from the way spots of color are brought together.” This describes the mechanics of my painting. I simply…
It’s 4:14. (Whey Fo Me)
It’s 4:14. (Whey Fo Me) Originally uploaded by 730N So the blog writing did stall. Apologies for that! I did get lost, but thankfully it was in the studio. I fell out of contact for a little while I was painting a new picture for my first official show in Philadelphia. It was a group…